Recruiting in
as many job ads as you like
Jobs can be customised at any time
Only € 95,- per month
Tyrol and Austria
In the domestic market, tirol tourism jobs is advertised to target groups on all relevant channels from Tik Tok to LinkedIn.
In cooperation with Tirol Werbung, tirol tourism jobs will be present and growing throughout Europe. We are currently already advertising in Germany, Croatia and parts of Spain.
Only available at tirol tourism jobs:
Always try it for free for 10 days!
These criteria determine whether or not your job is shown to job seekers:
All three must match - e. g., if too many hours per week are required according to the job ad, the job will not be displayed.
Mit tirol tourism jobs können Sie Ihre Stelleninserate ganz einfach und schnell anpassen – um so flexibel zu sein, wie Ihre Bewerber:innen.
Hier ein best practice Beispiel und weitere Tipps:
suchen Jobs über 32 Std./Woche
suchen Jobs zwischen
24-31 Std./Woche
suchen Jobs mit weniger
als 24 Std./Woche
are looking for jobs with 32 hours/week or more
I would like to register my company, but the code is not arriving:
If the authentication code is not in your e-mail inbox, please check your spam folder.
If you receive an error message after copying the code, please wait a few minutes and try again. The code is valid for longer. Make sure that you do not accidentally include a space at the end when copying the code.
If it does not work again, please contact us and we will take care of the problem immediately.
I would like to upload my company's logo, but I get an error message:
Please pay attention to the dimensions. The logo must be at least 200 x 200 pixels in size.
If it is not due to the dimensions, please try uploading in a different internet browser. The browser you are using may not support the upload; you may also need to update your browser.
Can I add a picture to the job title and if so, where? In the preview, the background is grey/black.
You cannot add an image to the job title.
However, you can choose your own background colour to highlight your company or job advertisement.
I would like to create our profile, but I cannot find our CI colour code:
The colour codes we use are specified in hexadecimal format.
There are numerous sites on the internet that convert the RGB colour codes into hexadecimal format. For example HERE.
(Bitte das HERE mit folgendem Link hinterlegen - es soll ein neue Tab aufgehen - bitte auch so in der deutschen Variante machen >>
I have created full-time jobs but am not getting any applicants - how can I improve my chances?
Create several jobs or split the full-time position: To do this, you can simply duplicate the advert you have already created and create several variants of it. For example, you can turn a 40-hour job (full-time) into two 20-hour jobs (one in the morning, one in the afternoon) or even a 30-hour variant. This is possible at any time and without any additional costs.
Regarding working hours: Select possible days of the week and times of day here. You can use this function as required. You can either activate all times when you CAN work - ideal for all-day jobs with flexible hours, for example. Or you can activate exactly the times when you MUST work - ideal, for example, for daytime temporary staff at certain times of day.
I have created jobs - how exactly does the matching with job seekers work?
The criteria number of hours per week, available days of the week and specialisation determine whether your job card is displayed to job seekers or not.
All three criteria must match. If e. g. too many hours per week are required according to the job ad, the job will not be displayed.
I have created one or more jobs - how can I find out more about potential applicants?
If applicants like one of your jobs, you will find them in the "Applicants" section. If you now also give this person a Like, you can get in touch.
I have a match, but when I click on the e-mail icon I get an error message and an e-mail is not opened automatically:
Is it possible that your device does not have a default e-mail programme for opening external e-mail links? You can change this quickly and easily in your e-mail programme under settings.
I would like to cancel my subscription:
You will find details of the cancellation periods under point 3 of our GTCs.